June in Tuscany and Umbria, here is a what’s on list for you this year 2022.

We are going to publish more and more events closer to the dates, so please check it also in the next days.

  • June 2, 3 and 4, a very foodie and local event in Cetona, Siena, at 20 minutes driving from our villas of il Fontanaro. We go there each year and we have always great fun with local music, shows, and the Pastrignocchi and Cuculo that are dishes typical of Cetona. Pastrignocchi are a type of pasta created and invented  here in Cetona,  while the cuculo is a  dessert made with poor ingredients.


June in Umbria and Tuscany

  • June 2 discover the heritage in a train journey.

Train with steam locomotive and carriages of the 30s “Centoporte” from Siena to Asciano. To book in advance. https://www.ferrovieturistiche.it/en/fvo/


  • June 2 – street fair in Chiusi downtown (train station area) 


  • June 3, 4 and 5 in Torrita di Siena, Street Food Festival, Sapori dal Mondo at the main piazzetta.




  • June 11 and 12 – Madrevite Winery – enjoy the pic nicco – dj set and street food at the vineyard from 5.30 PM to midnight

May in Tuscany and Umbria at Madrevite

  • June 10 to 12 in Chianciano Terme, Pici pasta night at piazzolina dei soldati at the historical town of Chianciano.

  • June 12   The Joust – The Archidado is held every year on the second Sunday of June, when people are lead back to the ancient medieval splendor of the city. All week is dedicated to the Medieval Times, streets decorations, restaurant menus, parades and more, as soon as we can we’ll publish the full program. More info at http://www.giostraarchidado.com/en.aspx



  • June 16 to 26, in Citta’ della Pieve   The Terziere Casalino District , each year organize original flower decorations along the city, known in italian, as the “Infiorata Every year during the Infiorata there is also music and entertainment.
  • Opening of Taverna del Barbacane, the “social hosteria” where you may share your table with other people on June 16, 18, 19, 23, 24, 25. More info at: http://www.terzierecasalino.it/



  • June 17 and 18 in Spello, The Corpus Domini and Infiorata


Whats on in Tuscany and Umbria June 22



  • June 18 and 19 in Paciano The Corpus Domini – You can come and help the flower shops groups  group on Saturday evening to get ready for the flower gathering on Sunday morning.



  • 23 of June: The miracle of San Giovanni water. An Umbrian yearly celebration at il Fontanaro Organic Farm. At sunset we’ll gather every type of wildflower, plant, blossoms, rosemary, sage, lavender, marjoram for the “one hundred grasses/plants.”. we’ll soak flowers for all the night for good luck. More info: Lucia@fontanaro.it

  • June 24 to 26 in Chiusi Chianciano, enjoy the Tria Turris a Mediaval Festival. CHIUSI CHIANCIANO, @TriaTurrisMedioevo


  • June 24 – The Historic Florentine Football. A sport and show between rugby, wrestling and soccer, at Piazza santa Croce, Firenze.


  • From June 24 in Spoleto, the 64 edition of Festival dei due Mondi. https://festivaldispoleto.com/

