Tuscany and Umbria weather in March is typically unpredictable as March is the month of seasonal transition, but days are sunny and longer.

March in Tuscany and Umbria some ideas

Here is a list of few ideas of things to do and see in March in Tuscany and Umbria.

March 1 to 31 – Visit Chagall in Vastiglion del lago at Palazzo della Corgna


March 1 to 17th in Perugia –  Andy Warhol – https://www.pubbliwork.it/andy-warhol/?fbclid=IwAR04R1yfIJSvs2KlT1BCVmIS_f1_D4zYMTmNFwzWgjxqAuEJWH1szcCvJPs

March 4 – Sunday free admissin at: Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Chiusi – Via Porsenna, 93 – Chiusi
Hours: Every day 9,00-20.00
Necropoli di Poggio Renzo – Via della Pellegrina – Chiusi
Hours: (Can be visited partially only with ticket from Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Chiusi)


March 2 and 3  and 31 – Antique fair in Arezzo, the best antique fair of Tuscany.


March 9 to 11 – Firenze, at Stazione Leopolda, Taste Food Show.  

The Pitti Immagine fair dedicated to excellence in flavors and food lifestyles, a journey surrounded by food, wine, objects and ideas, a discovery tour of the many ways we express and experiment with taste today. 

Official opening hours:

Saturday and Sunday: from 9.30 am to 7.30 pm

Monday: from 09.30 am to 4.30 pm.

up to March 10  – Nero Norcia,   – truffle festival, 56° edition.

March 15, 16 and 17 in Perugia –  Street food around the world – all day long at Pian di Massiano area  https://www.facebook.com/events/2271145743210591/


March 16 to 24  –  Torrita di Siena, a very small  Middle Age town, will held the 62° edition of the donkey race (palio). More info: info@paliodeisomari.it

March 23 and 24 – San Giovanni D’Asso, truffle festival – https://www.mostradeltartufobianco.it/

March 28 in Paciano

The UK Wheelchair Foundation is a non-profit foundation established by the Rotary Clubs in 2004. It’s goal is to deliver wheelchairs to every child and adult who needs one, but can not afford one. So far, over 30,000 wheelchairs have been funded in 27 countries, including Uganda, South Africa and Lesotho.
Judith and Geoffrey Pearson (Pacianesi) have been active with the group for many years, and will be leading the Scottish dancing. Alan Ferguson has graciously offered to play the bagpipes to begin the fundraising event.
Just 85 euros buys and delivers a wheelchair, and we are hoping to raise enough to supply 6 to 10 chairs.PLEASE CONTACT SARAH HALL at   erik_1999@yahoo.com

March 31 The fourth Sunday of the month inside the city walls, in Piazza Signorelli takes place the antique market of Cortona, The markets are scheduled from 9.00 at 20.00 in Piazza Signorelli. Among the various stalls used items, collectibles and modern. The market hosts about 50 exhibitors.

Other ideas:

– Fishing  at the lake – experience the art of fishing at Trasimeno lake and lunch with local products and your…fish! http://www.pescatorideltrasimeno.com/sito/Pescaturismo.pdf


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