July 2023 in Tuscany and Umbria
July 2023 in Tuscany and Umbria. What is not to miss. Here are some festivals, first and well follow with local events selected by cities.
July 1, 2, 6, 7 8 and 9 few minutes by Chiusi, Siena the Madonna del Cerro celebrations, with hunters food, and home made pici!
July 1 and 2 in Piazze, Cetona, Siena enjoy the food bico festival!
July 1 and 2 in Arezzo, the National Antique fair. http://www.fieraantiquaria.org/
July 2 The Palio in Siena. – Since 1147 historical secular horse race held in Piazza del Campo, connected with districts or contrada into which the town is divided. The world famous Palio di Siena is a medieval horse race among the city’s districts or ‘contrada.’ The race takes place in Piazza del Campo on July 2 for the Palio di Provenzano and on August 16 for the Palio dell’Assunta.
July 2 to September 30 Perugino 500. Citta’ della Pieve.
Up to July 3 Santa Mustiola Celebrations in Chiusi, Siena. She is the village patron.
Up to July 5th: The Trasimeno Music Festival
July 8,9, 15 and 16 + 22 and 23 at Madrevite: Music, vine and local food in the vineyard. to book in advance at
JULY 7 to 9 THE LARS ROCK FESTIVAL Chiusi Scalo (Siena)
7 and 21 of July special night opening of Signorelli exhibition at the Maec in Cortona.
7th of July to the 16th, Umbria Jazz in Perugia. There will be over 200 music events. https://www.umbriajazz.it/en/
From July 13 in Cortona, Arezzo, Cortona on the movie. Buy your ticket in time: ticketing.terretrusche.com,
July 13 to 23 in Chiusi downtown at the public gardens every late evening local food at the social tables and music.
14, 15 and 16 of July in Chiusi , Siena – Slow beer Festival.
14 to 16 of July – ROCK FOR LIFE – At Ponticelli, public gardens Citta della Pieve, Perugia. https://www.facebook.com/RFL.Italy/
15th of July – Music and craft beers at Olmaia Tap Room in San’Albino, Montepulciano. http://www.birrificioolmaia.com/
18th to 23 of July a music festival around lake Trasimeno. https://trasimenoblues.it/
July 20 to 23 every late evening in Assisi:
July 20, 21, 22 and 23 in San’t Albino a local food festival not to miss!
July 21 to 23 – at Montenero D’Orcia, Siena – Birragustando, a small craft beer festival.
From July 28 in GUALDO CATTANEO, Perugia The Italian International Baloon Grand Prix
23 to 30 of July il Palio delle barche in Passignano, Perugia. https://www.paliodellebarche.com/
The Palio of the Boats recalls the last act of hostility between the noble families of Perugia Baglioni and Oddi , Est.1495.