A day in Assisi

A day in Assisi, is the perfect way to breath some of the best Umbrian heritage!
Here are some of our ideas to make it unique:

A day in Assisi 2
A day in Assisi with the MONKS TOUR (to be booked in advance)
To experience really the best of Assisi: go first of all to the Information Office of Basilica of St. Francis Piazza S. Francesco, 2 06081 Assisi (PG).
To get there the best is to park at Giovanni Paolo II Parking (Parking A of Assisi).
Better to book the tour at leas a couple of day in advance:
Tel. (+39) 075.8190084
If the monks are all booked, don’t worry you can always rent the Audio Speaker at the Tourisitic Office.
A day in Assisi experiencing a great Umbrian lunch
In Assisi we love those following restaurants:
1 La locanda del Cardinale – Why? On the way there is a Roman Villa rest to visit.
Where: Piazza Vescovado, 8, 06081 Assisi Perugia tel. +39 075 815245 http://www.lalocandadelcardinale.com
2 La Fortezza – Why? Food is really delicious
Where: vicolo della Fortezza 2.b, Assisi
3 Osteria La Piazzetta: – Why? Locals love to eat here! This Osteria has 50 years of history! The Chiocchetti family has offered refined ristorante service and often-inspired cuisine at trattoria prices.
Where: just a few steps above the main piazza – via san Gabriele dell’addolorata http://www.osterialapiazzeta.it
After the city tour you may enjoy a wine tour with Saio ai Sassi, of Assisi.
Here is one of their proposal:
“Views of Assisi” (Aperitif in the wine tastig room)
– Availability: year-round
– Individuals and groups of up to 50 people – Length of activity: 1 hour
You can call it a snack or an appetizer.
Whatever you call it, it’s the flavors that represents our Umbrian area
and its people. It includes exclusively local and handmade food specialties combined with SAIO wines.
The wine tasting includes:
1. Selection of 2 SAIO wines Umbria IGP
2. Bruschetta with SAIO extra virgin olive oil
3. Pecorino cheese,
4.Torta al Testo (lightly salted Umbrian flatbread) with cured meats
Price per person: € 9,00
Info: www.saioassisi.it info@saioassisi.it +39 335 8374784
where: lat. 43.076725 long. 12.585997
Last but not least:
If you like to have some romance, do not miss Sunset from the higher side of Assisi!